Case Studies

Get some inspiration and ideas from some of these case studies we have been involved with. 

Improving Staff Subject Specific Knowledge

Following and audit process that involved lesson observations, a planning scrutiny and completing staff questionnaires on confidence and knowledge in teaching PE May Bank Infant School identified that there was a need to invest in staff professional development to improve their subject specific knowledge. Over the last few years they have bought into the 4 day subject specific support package with specialist PE advisory teachers. This has meant that the staff have received training from both PE and teaching and learning specialists on how to teach different areas of PE and they have improved their PE subject specific knowledge related to what good practice in the classroom already looks like.

Impact: The staff have all reported back their now increased confidence to teach PE lesson. All of the lessons have been monitored and were all found to be either good or outstanding. Pupil progress and achievement levels have also increased.

Sustainability: This has proven to be a very sustainable model of professional development as the teachers have grown in their confidence over the years, They have been able to continue to use their knowledge and expertise in other subject areas and    across other activities and their knowledge has been built upon each year.

Link to Sports Premium Key indicator 3

Embedding Good Practice Within School

Following completion of the Level 5 qualification in PE Specialism. Class  teacher  Thomasina Sargeant  has been trying out various ideas back at school. One example has been to promote and model good posture in the classroom. Sitting up straight and using core strength muscles. 

Impact: Children’s sitting in assembly and concentration has improved as has their strength and overall ability in PE lessons.


Embedded positive behaviour in the children and the improvement in their core  skills/strength that  will allow them to achieve well in the future.

Links to Sports Premium Key indicators: 1 & 2

Active Lunchtimes

Following an audit, Lennie Jones (PE lead at Langdale Primary School) has invested in the lunchtime provision at her school this year. The audit brought to her attention that there were opportunities for the children to be more active, and the culmination of a coaching company contract gave a great opportunity to shake up lunchtimes. A strategic plan for action was formed, including investing in training for the lunchtime supervisors. This was delivered by Laura, PE consultant, to the staff and was a catalyst for action, with lunchtime staff bringing loads of ideas and games to the table, an enthusiasm for the use of positive communication constantly on the playground and the creation of zones which suit the interests of the children. Lennie was able to find a lot of the equipment for the games and activities which had been suggested in the existing PE stores, and her head teacher was in full support of ordering the remaining kit required to get the plan off the ground.

The next step of the plan was to upskill a group of Y6 students as playground leaders, including developing leadership skills and discussing positive communication. They then learnt and played a huge range of games, some from suggestion cards and some designed by the playground leaders themselves. Laura encouraged the children to differentiate their games and consider how to make them inclusive to all.

Impact: After a term in place, the zones and activities on the playground have been so successful the school has now invested in signage to mark the zones more clearly and the sports leaders are now beginning to train up their Y5 peers to take on their roles next year.

Sustainability: Now the procedure is in place for retraining, Lennie is able to refresh this training each year with the next group of play leaders and induct new lunchtime supervisors in the positive play ethos of Langdale.

Link to Key Indicators: 1,2,3 and 4