Our toolkit is packed with ideas and resources to help you put the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff at the forefront of your practice.
There are resources under 8 different sections:
- Healthy Body Including -3 Fitness units, MOT booklet tests, schemes of work and presentations (KS1, Y3/4, Y5/6), Daily physical activity ideas, Physical activity infographics, Pupil Questionnaire, Case studies.
- Healthy Mind including – Yoga resource cards & teaching ideas, Mindful scarf activities, Positivity posters, Mindfulness assembly, Pupil questionnaire, Audit of mental health in school, Book list to support teaching about mental health, Case studies
- Healthy Eating including – Teaching ideas, Posters, Healthy recipe ideas, Audit of food in school, Food policy guidelines, Growing food in school, Food and the environment, Case studies
- Health Education including – Healthy habits posters, Assembly ideas, Health ambassadors training programme for children and follow up resources, Drug and alcohol education guidance Links to key resources for teaching statutory
- PSHE Curriculum including – Presentation, Lesson ideas, Statutory guidance,on wider PSHE including statutory relationships education, PSHE audit, Pupil questionnaire, Links to good resources
- Family Health including -Family learning activities, active videos, Parent workshop ideas, Workshop on alcohol awareness, Log book.
- Developing Life Skills including -Posters, Worksheets, Lesson ideas, Personal best challenges.
- Staff wellbeing including – Questionnaire, Wellbeing ideas cards, Presentation, 6 week online yoga session recordings, Case studies
It also includes access to all of the following online CPD:
- Termly virtual health and wellbeing network meetings.
- Improving health and wellbeing online learning course
- An introduction to yoga and mindfulness online learning course
- Active learning across the curriculum online learning course