
Health and Wellbeing Toolkit + CPD Modules

Our toolkit is packed with ideas and resources to help you put the health and wellbeing of pupils and staff at the forefront of your practice.

There are resources under 8 different sections:

  1. Healthy Body Including -3 Fitness units, MOT booklet tests, schemes of work and presentations (KS1, Y3/4, Y5/6), Daily physical activity ideas, Physical activity infographics, Pupil Questionnaire, Case studies.
  2. Healthy Mind including – Yoga resource cards & teaching ideas, Mindful scarf activities, Positivity posters, Mindfulness assembly, Pupil questionnaire, Audit of mental health in school,  Book list to support teaching about mental health, Case studies
  3. Healthy Eating including – Teaching ideas, Posters, Healthy recipe ideas, Audit of food in school, Food policy guidelines, Growing food in school, Food and the environment, Case studies
  4. Health Education including – Healthy habits posters, Assembly ideas, Health ambassadors training programme for children and follow up resources,  Drug and alcohol education guidance Links to key resources for teaching statutory
  5. PSHE Curriculum including – Presentation, Lesson ideas, Statutory guidance,on wider PSHE including statutory relationships education, PSHE audit, Pupil questionnaire, Links to good resources
  6. Family Health including -Family learning activities, active videos, Parent workshop ideas, Workshop on alcohol awareness, Log book.
  7. Developing Life Skills including -Posters, Worksheets, Lesson ideas, Personal best challenges.
  8. Staff wellbeing including – Questionnaire, Wellbeing ideas cards, Presentation, 6 week online yoga session recordings, Case studies

It also includes access to all of the following online CPD:

  • Termly virtual health and wellbeing network meetings.
  • Improving health and wellbeing online learning course
  • An introduction to yoga and mindfulness online learning course
  • Active learning across the curriculum online learning course

Original price was: £695.00.Current price is: £595.00.
