Looking to try something different to improve staff wellbeing in your school?
Our wellbeing programme is based around the NHS 5 steps to mental wellbeing:
It includes 4 different wellbeing workshop recordings for all your staff to access at any time:
In addition to this schools will receive:
The programme also includes a recorded training session for wellbeing champion leads within school
The cost of the programme is just £200 per school.
Quotes from schools
” I have really appreciated our school purchasing this programme for us. All 4 sessions have given me some amazing ideas and techniques that I have begun to embed in my day to day practice. I can honestly say I am already feeling the benefits myself and seeing these in other colleagues too and I think this is also passing down to the pupils so a win win all round – Thank you so much” Year 4 class teacher
” Can I please thank you on behalf of all our staff for the fantastic well being package you have put together. We’ve only completed the first session so far ‘Focus on you’ and it is exactly what we all needed and deserved. Just to hear, via yourself and your colleague, that we are important and it is ok and essential for us to find the time to focus purely on us, was really appreciated. As for the beauty products…..what a treat! Headteacher
“We purchased this programme for all the schools in our MAT as a start on our journey to improve staff wellbeing. The initial questionnaire was just what we needed to positively determine where are staff were at and how we can begin to support them. So far the sessions have all been thoroughly enjoyable and useful and we have received lots of good feedback from staff. I am excited to work more with Accelerate learning services to see how we can continue to develop this area in our schools.” Executive headteacher
“How lovely to be included in this programme. I really enjoyed the chair yoga and hand massage activities the most but it was nice to have the chance to be included in these sessions with other staff and told we are valued in what we do.” Lunchtime supervisor
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