Enrichment Days
Infuse your celebration days and events with Physical education, dance or forest school activities
We can run a variety of enrichment days and activities to fit in with national days, events and celebrations that you may
take part in as part of your school calendar.
On these days we can run a variety of activities based around:
– Physical education, activity and sports
– Dance
– Forest schools
This booklet will provide you with some suggestions around the types of things we could cover but please get in touch if
there is anything else you’d like to look at.
All our staff are fully trained and we will work with you to bespoke the sessions and meet the needs of your school.
These sessions can provide fun, new activities for your pupils to experience and also act as CPD for staff who wish to
continue or run these in the future
Download our free comprehensive brochure and see what we can do for you.
Book your enrichment activity here –
Pupil Enrichment
We can run a variety of enrichment days and activities to fit in with national days, events and celebrations that you may
take part in as part of your school calendar.
On these days we can run a variety of activities based around:
– Physical education, activity and sports
– Dance
– Forest schools
This booklet will provide you with some suggestions around the types of things we could cover but please get in touch if
there is anything else you’d like to look at.
All our staff are fully trained and we will work with you to bespoke the sessions and meet the needs of your school.
These sessions can provide fun, new activities for your pupils to experience and also act as CPD for staff who wish to
continue or run these in the future
Download our free comprehensive brochure and see what we can do for you.
Book your enrichment activity here –
Enrichment Days