Following our deep dive blog which has had over 900 downloads and our successful Spring term network meetings where we discussed Ofsted Deep dives in PE and shared practice from a number of schools who’d been through the experience we have developed a comprehensive online course to take PE subject leaders through all they need to know and prepare for a deep dive themselves.
This online learning course will take you through everything you’ll need help you prepare for an Ofsted deep dive into PE. You’ll learn: What is an Ofsted Deep Dive, What questions you may be asked. There is then a section which will help you to write a vision for PE and review your curriculum overview map and progression of skills documents – giving you different examples to work from. It will also give examples of successful action planning and intent, implementation and impact statements for your website. On top of all of that it will help you consider what the school website and learning environment currently says about PE ,sport and health and will help you consider how these could work better for you.
This can be purchased to work through from our website: has currently got a half price introductory offer on!
If you need any further information or in school support to develop an aspect of your practice then our 1-1 sessions are perfect for this. Please get in touch to arrange a date.