It might not be top of your list to get outdoors in the winter, but did you realise that even just being able to see a tree from a window has been scientifically proven to improve physical and mental wellbeing? Whilst we appreciate you may need to be a little more weather flexible, the winter still offers tonnes of outdoor learning potential for all ages.
Have you considered taking art outdoors? Beautiful ice sculptures can be made by finding some natural materials such as leaf skeletons and adding them to a small container of water with a string and allowing them to freeze. Subtly adding physical activity to an art lesson whilst also cutting down on stuffy classroom time is a sure fire win!
If you haven’t already embraced Forest School ethos in your setting, you might like to consider joining our next cohort of learners in gaining your level 3 Forest School leader certification starting in March. This course comes under new and sustainable impact according to the PE and School Sport premium spending so could be a great way to invest in this last year of guaranteed grant funding.
Book now – Forest School Leader Level 3 Qualification